Vinyl Installation at Fremont University in Cerritos, California


As a sign manufacturer, our business focuses on fabricating and installing signage. Upfront, the process always begins with a consultation which results in the creation of a quote.  What if


The most suitable lobby sign will incorporate elements which complement the lobby setting, corporate branding, the viewing distance, and the client’s budget. As a sign professional, the Consultative Sales Representative


Designing custom signage is unique compared to other design occupations in a variety of different ways. Signs are crucial for any business with an office, each sign serves an intended


This sign type is by far the most labor intensive code compliance sign to design and fabricate. Evacuation Plans are required for code compliance and accuracy of content and information


Top Reasons Why We Secure and Maintain Clients Successful Track Record Sign Specialists has been serving Southern California for over 30 years. Our list of Property Management, Hospital, Construction Company


Clients often ask us to provide quotes for signage. Due to the custom nature of our business and wide range of options materials, manufacturing techniques and robust finished products, it
